Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Time for Blatter to resign from FIFA

The head of the Dutch Football Association on Tuesday called on embattled FIFA head Sepp Blatter not to stand for re-election because the world footballing body has been too damaged by corruption allegations.

“FIFA’s image has deteriorated because of everything that’s happened in recent years,” the KNVB head Michael van Praag told the Volkskrant newspaper from Sao Paolo where he is attending the annual congress of football’s governing body.

FIFA has become mired in accusations that Qatar paid for votes when FIFA chose Qatar to host the 2020 World Cup. The growing scandal has threatened to taint the opening of the latest World Cup in Sao Paulo on Thursday.

“Few people still take FIFA seriously and however you look at it, Blatter is mainly responsible,” Van Praag said of the 78-yeard-old Swiss official.
“Personally I don’t mind him, but it’s inherent to his function that heavy criticism is now falling on him and that he should draw his own conclusions,” Van Praag said of Blatter, who is expected to tell the Congress that he will stand for a fifth four-year term.

“Maybe he won’t speak at all at the congress, because the election is only next year, but it’s good as Europe to be ready and to come out with one voice,” Van Praag

I never thought I would ever be able to say this over and over again, but FIFA is corrupt, very corrupt for that matter. They sell hosting rights to countries for personal gains to their elected officials, especially from African Countries. 

I will even go one step further than Van Praag in saying that, some of the current presidents of FIFA Associations should resign and the term presidents of Associations can stand for re-elections be pecked to 2 terms only, unlike the current situation where they can stand "tiil death do them part." 
By the way, Issa Hayatou, President of CAF should resign immediately. Africa is 'The' most corrupt of all FIFA associations.

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