Tuesday 13 August 2013

What we are doing to our world and those depending on it isn't sometimes FAIR.

The ability to adapt has being one of man's greatest weapon against change. Man has been known to survive in almost any condition on earth, sadly not every specie has that ability. Our actions are now telling on some of them.

Observers fear this starved polar bear may be conclusive proof that climate change is wiping out the species.

The carcass of the male bear, believed to have starved to death, has been discovered washed up in Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean.

Experts say low sea-ice levels caused by climate change meant the bear couldn’t hunt seals, forcing it to unsuccessfully search more than 150 miles for food.

Climate change is said to have reduced sea ice in the Arctic region to record lows and is “absolutely, categorically and without question” the reason why polar bears are dying out, according to Dr. Ian Stirling of Polar Bears International, who has studied the giant carnivores in the region for 40 years.

The bear had no fat, and had been reduced to little more than skin and bones, indicating its normal hunting behaviour had been drastically disrupted.

This bear was first captured and examined in April, then it was healthy and full of life researchers said but in July, it carcass was discovered. It died just withing 3 months.

Wondering for up to 150 miles to die isn't a friendly experience. It's like someone living his house to look for a job but never returned home because he died of starvation.
We must do and keep doing all we can to preserve our world not just for our kids but for those animals whose existence depends on us. We are the 'god' they see but so far haven't  been acting godly.

Yes We don't have ice in Nigeria, but we do have forest. The Federal, State and Local governments must try to conserve or protect these lands from being exploited for their woods and other projects that could be taken else where in order to save the thousands of animals and plant lives there.

Know this, without plants, our oxygen levels will decrease. The earth is the only close system in operation. Others are in theory. The earth is self sustaining.
We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon (iv) oxide, CO2. Plants breathe in carbon (iv) oxide, CO2 and breathe out oxygen.
We breathe in their waste product and they do same to ours. Cut or reduce that flow and both parties suffer.

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