Monday 5 November 2012

It pays to 'cuddle' people

Her job is simple and she makes $260 a day doing it. She cuddles people to sleep.

Meet Jackie Samuel, the professional 'cuddler' who makes a good living inviting strangers to take a nap with her at home.

She turned to snuggling with strangers to help pay for her studies and provide for her young son.

She can make $260 a day cuddling up to 30 men a week - including pensioners and war veterans.

Her business 'The snuggery' has however not gone unnoticed and her college has threatened to expel her - while others have called her a prostitute.

She said, 'I think I was born knowing how to snuggle. Snuggling is healthy, spiritual and fun.

"I think clients come to me for all difference kinds of reasons. Some of my older clients, their wives have passed away, and they just need someone to be with, like someone to experience touch with.

'Some of the younger clients are between relationships, some are in problematic relationships, and some people are just really curious and they come to just find out what its going to be like'.

She advertises her services online and charges $60 an hour.

The cuddling can take place anywhere around her cottage in Rochester, New York, but most clients opt to use her large double bed.

They are banned from touching parts of her body covered by underwears, which she wears under pyjamas.

The business has done so well she has even hired another snuggling professional.

So, its now a professiona, I didn't know that

Despite her strick rules on sexual activity, Jackie has recieved a barrage of emails and phone calls slamming her as a prostitute.

Wow, what a job.
she added: 'Some have said I am worse than a prostitute because they think snuggling is more intimate than sex. I've been told I'm monetizing love.'
One of her repeat customers, disagress with her critics. He said Jackies cuddles had helped him following a bad break-up and described the sessions as 'meditative'
He even said he would continue to her while in a relationship. 'There's no cheating element, it's not immoral' he said.
Isn't that called 'addiction' sir, by the way, why would you need a woman if you want another to be cuddling you, isn't cuddling embedded in a relationship?

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