Monday 17 June 2013

3's not a crowd! A quarter of Brits have had a threesome – and is this good?

TODAY we present the results of The Sun’s biggest ever sex survey – in which an amazing 20,000 readers reveal what REALLY goes on between Britain’s bedsheets.
And whether you are single, settled or playing the field, it’s clear that sex matters
Around a quarter of you — 26 per cent of men and 23 per cent of women — admitted having enjoyed a threesome, while 72 per cent of readers confessed to outdoor sex.

That might seem daring enough to some — but 14 per cent admitted to having run the risk of a night in the cells after romping on public transport.
Nearly a quarter of men and women who took part in the anonymous survey said they couldn’t resist a secret tryst at work, and almost seven in ten of us have committed a “sex and run” — fleeing after a one-night stand.

More worryingly, more than half admitted having unprotected sex with a stranger, risking the danger of sexually transmitted diseases.
Surprisingly, women tend to be first to get sexually active, with more than a third losing their virginity under the legal age of 16, compared to 20 per cent of men.
When the saucy 50 Shades novel trilogy hit the bookshops in 2011, erotica was exposed to the masses and as we can reveal today, women are not afraid to explore their kinky side.
In fact, nearly 80 per cent of female Sun readers said in our online poll that they enjoy reading erotic novels in private, although just 11 per cent share the written fantasies with their partners.
And although 78 per cent of women admit to using sex toys, only 64 per cent will let their partners in on the action. Still, more than 40 per cent of both sexes say they revel in role play and enjoy dressing up in the bedroom.

And it seems the sexes are just as equal when it comes to do-ityourself pleasure. For men and women, just under half admitted they liked to please themselves at least once a week.
But men are miles ahead when it comes to porn. Nine per cent confessed to watching it more than 16 times a week. And more than a quarter admitted they had paid for sex at least once in the last year.
More than a quarter of the readers who answered our 20 questions admitted they had cheated online and gone the whole hog by having sex with someone else while still in a relationship.
Here four Sun readers reveal all about what gets them hot in the bedroom — and often outside it.

ANDY admits he masturbates so much it “borders on obsession” — and says it led him to cheat on his girlfriend with a prostitute when he was 19.
He has since paid for sex twice more and admits to swinging and watching porn several times a day.
Andy, a sound engineer, says: “I was drunk and really horny the first time I dabbled. I’d found a flyer in a phone box and at 4am I decided to be masturbated for £40 but she was so good at pleasuring me, I paid £100 for full sex.
“I’ve never felt guilty about it. Everyone has different needs and those were my needs at the time. I look at it as if I’d been on a night out and pulled.”
He adds: “I had a girlfriend at the time, but she lived away and I wasn’t getting the sexual attention I needed. I was young and very naïve but it didn’t stop me paying for sex twice after that.
“I paid around £20 in Poland, then £60 in Swansea. And I’d do it again. It’s a service a lot of men would pay for, though they’d never admit it.”

BEAUTICIAN Natalie regularly dresses up and indulges in role play in the bedroom — and boyfriend Mike can’t get enough of it.
She says reading the 50 Shades books opened her mind to a world of fun and she quickly brought domination into the bedroom.
Natalie says: “Occasionally I’ll take the lead but more often than not it’s Mike because I enjoy the feeling of him being in control.
“I’ve got no taboos about discussing our sex lives with my girlfriends. I’ve been shopping for lingerie with them and made no secret of the fact that I’m buying it for mine and Mike’s benefit and it’s purely for bedroom fun.
“Sometimes I’ll wear something sexy under my dress and whisper to him what I’ve got on during a night out.
“Then I’ll laugh as he gets distracted — I can see he’s dying to get home.
“My thing is getting dressed up in a sexy bra and knickers or a basque and being the seducer.
“It’s actually turning me on a bit just thinking about it.”

ALEX lost her virginity at 14 and says she saw it as something she had to do as soon as possible.
She adds: “It’s so sad to think about it now but I just picked a boy to lose my virginity to. I never saw him again and had to get tipsy to go through with it.
“At the time I thought I was the only virgin left in my group of mates and I had to get it out of the way. But really, thinking back, I am sure everyone felt this way.
“It seems as if everyone is doing it when you are a kid but the reality is probably a lot different.”
Customer services adviser Alex — who has been married to hubby Rick, 29, for seven years — recalls: “It wasn’t what it was cracked up to be and I wish I’d waited. I’d classed myself as a girl who’d not give in to peer pressure but I did when it came to sex.
“I felt pretty crap and stupid later but also relieved it was over. You are far too young for sex at 14 but I think it’s more uncommon to wait until you are 16 now.

ELLIOT had unprotected sex with a stranger he met in a club on a mate’s stag night last year.
The ambulance driver says: “I was cut up as I’d split from my girlfriend Lucy, who I’d been with for 12 years.
“I got chatting to this blonde at the bar. She was wearing a nurse’s outfit with stockings and suspenders and looked incredible. Before long we were back at hers and at it like rabbits.
“She didn’t even mention condoms and nor did I, because I’d got so used to not using them as my girlfriend was on the Pill.
“But it actually wasn’t great sex and next morning I woke up in her bedroom in a bit of a panic.
“I was so stressed out by the risk I’d taken, I got tested for HIV. The clinic gave me the all-clear but I had an agonising two-week wait for the results. I did regret the fumble afterwards.
“The quick thrill just wasn’t worth the stress.”


FOUR out of ten of you admit viewing porn up to three times a week, while a sizeable 21 per cent owned up to indulging four to seven times. But seven per cent can’t resist looking eight to 15 times and the same number are seriously hooked at 16 times.


MOST people – 57 per cent – said they’d had sex 40 or more times in the past 12 months. But for one in ten it was 11 to 20 times and for 13 per cent the earth moved just ten times at most.


WHEN it comes to making the first move, 37 per cent of you said you had done it 40-plus times in the past year.


WHILE most readers (54 per cent) lost their virginity between the age of 16 and 21, 33 per cent said they were 15 or under and nine per cent were between 22 and 30. Just four per cent were 31 or older.


IN our survey, half of all respondents (50 per cent) were dating, 20 per cent said they were single and 30 per cent were married.

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