Saturday 8 June 2013

How to solve your Black Berry hanging problem

Every time you log into your Blackberry, your activities are logged as Event log. And over time if they are not cleared up, will cause your bb to begin to hang.

So if you are like me and millions of others who have experienced hanging of their blackberry, then I have a solution for you that is guaranteed to resolve the issue.

Just follow the following steps

1      Hold down the 'alt' key and press LgLg (capital letters not necessary) 
2      Click the BB menu button next to the send button.
3      Scroll down to 'clear log' and click it, then Delete 

4      Click the 'return' button, next to the stop call button and repeat the process like 3 – 4 times

Then go to the 'Option' menu on your BB
1     Click it and scroll down to 'Security' and click 
2     Scroll down to 'Advanced security settings' and click
3     Scroll down to 'Memory Cleaning' and click 
4     Scroll down to 'Clean' and click 
5     And the phone will take care of the rest.

The last thing to do is to remove your bb battery and re-boot your phone. Remove the battery, don't just off and on.

Give me a buzz when it works

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