Wednesday 19 June 2013

Is Obama getting more popular or what. In 2008 over 200,000 people heard him speak, come 2013, only 6,000 showed up in Germany. Or is it an invite-only crowd?

It was a more muted affair for President Obama in Berlin today as he spoke at Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate before an invite-only crowd of 6,000 guests - a remarkable difference from the rock-star welcome he received five years ago in front of 200,000 cheering supporters.
Then, Obama had it all to play for - the glowing presidential candidate symbolizing America's revived hope for the future. This time, he arrived back in Berlin under the cloud of NSA surveillance programs which have outraged many Europeans and the ever-growing crisis in Syria.
More pic after the cut

The President removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves as he battled the 86F temperature on Wednesday, quipping: 'People of Berlin, your welcome is so warm I'm going to take off my jacket.'
At times wiping away beads of sweat, the President read from paper because the teleprompter wasn't working.
He used the bulk of his speech to call for a reduction in the world's nuclear stockpiles - as he stood behind high walls of bullet-proof glass in the public square. The two-inch thick sheets are routinely used when the President appears before large crowds in public spaces.

I just think people now know where he stands on a lot of issues. It's one thing tsay you stand for something and another to actually stand for it

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