Sunday 9 June 2013

Kanye had his birthday party but Kim was not present - Splittsville is reporting that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are heading to Splittsville land.

This is how they are reporting it:

"If you needed any more evidence that Yeezy DROPPED THAT TRICK Kardashian . . . you need to look no further than his own actions. Kanye held a special birthday dinner fro friends yesterday in New York. Jay and Bey were there, so was Nas, Don C, and all Kanye's friends.
There was one person NOTICEABLY ABSENT . . . his babys mother Kim Kardashian. Have you EVER heard of a man having a birthday party . . .on his BIRTHDAY . . . and inviting ALL HIS FRIENDS . . . and not his GF/BABY MOMS???   

I remember sometime ago, we posted a story that Kanye is considering dumping Kim a month to her delivery. Here's the link to that story. Click here

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