Wednesday 12 June 2013

Watching TV could help you LOSE weight ...but only if your set is broken or needs tuning

It has long been blamed as one of the key reasons we gain weight.
But new research suggests that couch potatoes may actually be able to shed the pounds in front of the box - provided their TV is on the blink.
Scientists have found that looking at the flickering screen that usually means your television is broken, or needs tuning, can banish hunger pangs
Food cravings instantly disappear if someone spends just a few seconds looking at a black and white flickering screen.
Volunteers who carried a hand-held computer device that displayed the flickering images reported that their hunger pangs subsided by 23 per cent almost immediately after they watched them.
During the course of the study, by psychologists at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, they also consumed nearly 40 per cent fewer calories than participants who did not view the images.

The highly unusual dieting regime deploys a technique known as dynamic visual noise, where thousands of tiny black and white dots bounce around the screen.
Scientists have been using dynamic visual noise in the laboratory for years, mainly to analyse how it affects short term working memory.

Maybe standing up and going to 'smack' it or tune it could help lose weight too. Getting up from the chair, like those old tv's our parent's had.

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