Sunday 16 June 2013

As if Man and Woman wasn't enough, now they want to have 'manwoman' or is it 'womanman' am confused: Australia officially recognises third gender of 'intersex'.

Australia has announced new guidelines to recognise the gender category 'intersex' on official documents.

Under the new system, which will come into effect from July 1, individuals will not be required to have undergone sex reassignment surgery or hormone therapy to select the new category.
Since 2011 Australian nationals who were biologically not entirely male or female, have been able to select 'X' as a gender category on their passports.
Transgender people have been able to pick whether they are male or female providing their choice is supported by a doctor.
The changes mean people will now have the option to select M (male), F (female) or X (Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified).

What is happening for heaven sake. What are we going to call this one, shemale or ......

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