Tuesday 11 June 2013

How to solve Hanging problem in your Blackberry (part 2)

I received some questions from people telling me they have tried my suggestion and yet they still had some issues. Well this is another thing you could do to finally resolve that problem.

Your Device memory could be full and you would have to clear all unwanted files to free space for your blackberry to work effectively.

Follow the steps below:

1 Go to the media application, Click it
2 Click the Blackberry icon

3 Scroll down to Explore and click

4 Click Device

5 Click Home 

6 Click User (If it shows up in your phone) 
7 Click the Blackberry icon and scroll down to Delete. 
Now Delete all folders deletable, one by one.

Those not deletable like Audiobooks and Documents won't delete even if you try to delete them. So you are safe.

You can also 'open' each file and delete contents you no more find useful. That would also free space for your device.

Just in case you want 'How to solve your blackberry hanging problem' part 1, click here

Note: A lot of people have find it helpful, you will too.

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