Saturday 5 July 2014

Lagos APC Youth Leader Condemns Burning Of BRT Buses By Angry Nigerian Soldiers

Yesterday morning Soldiers reacting to the death of one of their own who was killed by a BRT bus along Ikorodu Road, took their anger on other BRT bus drivers and burnt no less than 5 BRT buses in the process. The actual numbers of BRT buses burnt is yet to be confirmed.

The Youth leader of the APC has released a statement concerning the incident.

Read the APC Youth leader statement below:

"The destruction of state-owned property by men and women, who ought to be prepared to die while safeguarding our collective existence,  is incomprehensible. This has again raised salient questions begging to be answered; who is the Nigerian’s military serving? Do they represent the interest of the Nigeria people or a certain section? Is the Nigerian Army serving the interest of those who are bent on ‘capturing’ Lagos come 2015?”

“It’s day 81 today that our sisters have been kidnapped from Chibok, yet there is no hope of bringing them back alive. If men of the Nigerian Army feel the urge to unleash violence, their services is urgently needed in Sambisa forest where members of the Boko Haram terrorists are hiding.

“As much as the Youth in Lagos understand the angst of the soldiers whose colleague was alleged to have been knocked down by a BRT driver, we disagree that the incident excuses the mayhem that followed. The impunity with which those buses were burnt and others ruthlessly vandalised cannot be justified. There are procedures to be followed. In such a case as this, the RULE OF LAW requires that the driver be handed over to the civilian authority for prosecution in a civilian.
I am glad the APC Youth leader addressed though with just a passing phrase the action of the BRT driver. I would however be grateful if the Lagos State Government would have a serious talk with the drivers of their BRT buses.
Some of them are just reckless. It’s unbelievable the way they drive these buses especially when they have the right of way. Yes the BRT lane is theirs but that does not give them the right to disregard the existence of other cars or bikes if they happen to enter that lane and just drive through them irrespective of the consequence, in this case, the death of a father, likely only bread winner, friend, relative and yes a soldier. There is no excuse for the loss of life that could have been prevented with just a few seconds of patience.

I however also strongly condemn the soldiers actions, thank God no one else was killed in the process.

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