Sunday 6 July 2014

Ondo Traditional Ruler Renounces Fraternity - Sets ablaze shrine, other fetish items

The traditional ruler of Ode community in Akure North Local Government Area of Ondo State, Sunday Boboye has revealed that his desire to be a feudal lord over his town made him to join the Ogboni fraternity, a sect he has now renounced after 10 years of joining the society.

“I wanted powers to face the mighty and powerful people who have usurped my fathers’ land. To do this, I needed to accept one of the heist titles in the land and which was my family’s royal entitlement. It is the Ajagun (General at war) of Ode land”, the 45-year-old ex-Ogboni chief stated.

Once initiated into the brotherhood, Boboye possessed dreaded powers that not only made him very popular in Ondo State but also made many to fear and tremble before him. But that was before he had a challenging encounter with a Christian recently.

Last weekend, a team of Christians and the reporter were invited to the palace of Boboye in Ode, Ondo state to witness how the former Ogboni chief who rose to the rank of Egan Oke (meaning an elder in the Ogboni fraternity) denounced his membership and burnt all the traditional deities he had served when he was an herbalist.

“I am the traditional head of Ode community. I give glory to God for saving me and making me to be alive today.  The lord Jesus has arrested me and saved from evil association with Satan. I was an herbalist, a powerful one for that matter. And I am well known in Ondo State. Everyone respects and fears me as the Ajagun of Ode community. If I decreed that somebody would die tomorrow, that is what will happen. The person will die. If I tell somebody that he would not eat the next day, the person must be prepared because that is what would happen. And if I decreed that someone would not sleep in his house the following night. It also would also happen. I was doing all these using the dark powers bestowed on me by serving the devil. But today, God has taken me out of the darkness”, Boboye declared while denouncing his old association before his people who trooped out to see their once dreaded occult grand master and leader now wining and dining with Christians.

“Many people in Ode are surprised to see me with members of the Lord’s Chosen church and other Christians today and even wearing this apron, because they know who I was. They know about the tremendous power I wielded as grandmaster in occult kingdom.

“My father, Pa Boboye Oluwasegun has been a pastor in The Apostolic Church for sometime. He had tried on many occasions to lead me to Christ but I have been turning deaf ears to him. This is why we used to quarrel sometimes. Whenever, I organized the Egungun festival, yam festival or Osun or Ogun festivals my father used to quarrel with me and asked me to drop the worship of ancestral gods but I turned deaf ears to him because the ancestral gods were giving me powers.

Praise God. You can read the full story Here

Credit: SunNewsOnLine

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