Sunday 6 July 2014

Rob Says He Was Joking About Having A Son, Even Mum Was Fooled

Rob Kardashian has taken to Twitter again to reveal he was only joking in his tweet about having a son.
The 27-year-old television personality surprised his five million followers on Thursday evening as he sent out a tweet referring to his child, but he has now tweeted again to say he was only playing. 

But it wasn't just his followers who were fooled by the prank as Rob revealed his mother Kris Jenner emailed him to check.

In his first tweet, he wrote: 'Happy I got my Son with me for the 4th tomorrow !! Can't wait to watch fireworks with my little man ! Hope everyone is safe ! X.'

But later he followed that up with: 'Those who know me know I play and I do NOT have a Son. Y'all got my mama emailing me asking if I have a Son lol goodness hahaha. GOODnight (sic)'
Despite now admitting he was joking, this is not the first time he has alluded to being a father on social media - he hinted about it on Twitter as recently as two weeks ago.

On June 20, the younger brother of Kim tweeted: 'And to my baby mama I loveeeeeeee you.'

Is Rob being starved of fame or attention? Don't worry your sisters haven't done anything worthy of embarrassment to take the shine. You are safe.

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