Thursday 25 July 2013

How do some of our Senators/Politicians think?

Sometimes I wonder about the qualifications of some of our senators. Do they actual read something and understand the facts before they cast their votes or are these votes cast in proxy for them. Because, like I said, I just don't understand, how someone would say, he didn't understand the bill he was casting his vote or support for. It may be a good excuse but it's unacceptable in a world where information is just at your finger tip.

So instead of trying to build class rooms these senators want to build bed rooms. What do they think with, their brains or balls. 
It's obvious they think with the latter and I wonder if they do have the former. I really wonder. God save us from these men.

And don't we have female senators anymore? why have they suddenly become quiet. Or have they become tired of their husbands/male partners and are now willing to hand over the responsibilities of marriage to their girl child, so they can have enough time to play around?. These whole situation confuses me for real.

Shame on everyone who supported that bill, whether you knew the content or not. You certainly do no
t deserve to represent Nigerians. In fact maybe we should call for a re-call of every one of them.

What a shame. Nigerians deserve better than this.

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