Saturday 13 July 2013

This is sheer madness. Three men are brutally gored on the streets of Pamplona in this year's Running of the Bulls.

An American tourist was gored by a bull on this morning along with two Spaniards on the bloodiest day of the famous Spanish Running of the Bulls festival so far this year.
The 20-year-old American tourist was gored in the stomach and a 42-year-old Spaniard in the arm as they took part in a bull-run in Pamplona, where people race through the Spanish town's cobbled streets pursued by the animals.
But the most terrifying moments occurred when a lone bull which had become separated from the pack attacked a second Spanish runner as he lay helpless on the ground after being mown down by the animal and tripping in front of it.

More gruesome pics after the cut.

This is crazy. I hope someone would not die before ….what am I even saying?. Well I wish them well. Thank God for the medical personnel. I guess everyone knows and understands the risk. 
Good luck guys.

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