Saturday 13 July 2013

You like Porn but Facebook is to blame, why? Because you typed F**book instead of Facebook?.

A married Nashville lawyer and amateur model is suing Apple claiming the tech giant should have blocked him from accessing porn when he, apparently by accident, typed 'F*** instead of Facebook into Google.
Chris Sevier, 36, filed a 50-page complaint in federal court last month claiming the supposedly innocent spelling mistake resulted in him viewing a plethora of pornographic images that 'appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and lead to an unwanted addiction,' which then 'poisoned his life' and ruined his marriage.

Sevier, an army veteran who on a Model Mayhem profile lists his age as 26, states in the suit that Apple should sell all products with an installed porn-filter. He is seeking damages from the company.
'The Plaintiff is a victim of Apple's product that was sold to him without any warning of the damage the pornography causes,' the suit reads. 

'In using safari, the Plaintiff accidentally misspelled "" which lead him to "f***" and a host of web sites that caused him to see pornographic images that appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and lead to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences.'

Are you serious? while you are at it, why don't you sue the sun for making you tan when you don't want it. Grow up and take some responsibility man or you'll never change. Does he even want to change?

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