Friday 12 July 2013

Is the mobile phone replacing us without us knowing it?

Are phone cameras gradually replacing digital cameras. The new Nokia Lumia 1020 comes with a 41-Megapixel camera. Can you beat that?  How many digital cameras comes with that level of Megapixel?.
Hope the digital camera companies are ready for a war or else this phone companies are ready to drive them out of the market for good.
Soon a phone with a camera to shoot amazing videos and an app to edit them will be developed and then, video cameras will be in trouble.
Today the GSM phone has replaced some banks staffs. Almost all banking transactions can be carried out from a handset.
Money brokers have also be replaced. One can pay for practically any service via the mobile phone.
News media are changing to mobile as against News paper to transmit their messages and News.
We already have mobile TV, audio and even Cable Tv. And their quality is superb.

Reports recently released have it that, the sales of Lap Tops have dropped significantly, no thanks to tablets, another mobile device.
Apps have been developed for almost anything. Touch light, games, weather, instant message, this is not counting medical and tactical applications. Samsung S4 was just released with an app that can check heart's beat and voice in still pictures. What next?

Every day a new application is being developed and with the potential of the Android and apple platform, the possibilities are limitless. Thanks of course to Google and Apple respectively.
With the way the world is going, where we now live in a fast pace world, the mobile phone will soon replace most of the things we do and sadly leave a lot of people jobless.

I think we need a balance, sadly technology doesn't know that.

By the way, am typing this with a mobile phone. At least I have a job. Good for me. I need a tablet.

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